Voices of Chernobyl

Voices of Chernobyl | Chronicle of a future

A theatrical-musical confrontation with Swetlana Alexeiyevich’s book Chernobyl. A Chronicle of the Future

The unveiling of the “peaceful” atom in the Chernobyl nuclear reactor was a failed experiment of high-risk technology. The unleashing of the atomic hellfire. We entered a world where evil does not make any statements. It does not reveal itself. It does not know, does not accept any laws and limits. The hay can kill. The tailed fish, the captured deer. An Apple. Chernobyl is the twisted garden of Eden.

The attack on everything living itself. This zone is not somewhere, far away. It has expanded to the whole world. And we’re right in the middle. Part of the experiment. In the core result of a science and society that keep the truth about Chernobyl trapped to this day.

"I have seen how the pre-Chernobyl man became the Chernobyl man."
Svetlana Alexiyevich, Nobel laureate
